Waiting for First Beta

I just got the call from the lab that my beta number is in, but I have to wait for my clinic to call and tell me what it is.

Last night the line was a little darker, so that’s a good sign. Hopefully.

And I spoke with the clinic (earlier), my endocrinologist, and my RE about the thyroid issue, and they all said about the same thing: Increase your dose to 100 and retest in a month. Here’s hoping it will be enough.

I know it’s crucial when it gets to the fetal stage, around 9 weeks, and I’ve been trying to figure out if it matters as much in the embryonic stage. So far I haven’t found a good answer. But I lost my last (chromosomally normal) pregnancy in the embryonic stage when I had a high TSH. No way to know if that was a key reason it was lost, but you can perhaps understand my worry.

Hoping for a good number today.

5 thoughts on “Waiting for First Beta

    1. I know the clinic has had my beta result for at least two hours, but they won’t call and tell me what it is. Going a bit nuts here. The last time a clinic left me hanging, it wasn’t good news.


      1. How awful they kept you waiting. My clinic took so long this last time and I thought it was bad but ended up being good. Can you call and demand it?


  1. I took my bitchin’ to the California Conceptions Facebook page, and they said calls usually go out in the afternoon, after the doctor has a chance to look at the results. (They do clinical stuff in the morning, like actual embryo transfers.)

    So I’m a little more chill about it now. It’s only just after the lunch break in California.

    LOL, you have to feel for the people in those clinics dealing with all of us impatient, half-deranged, hormonal ladies. All of us quietly going nuts in all corners of the globe… at almost every step of the process…

    OK, I’m gonna do some stretching exercises and meditate on good things 🙂


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